Meditation & Spirit Guides

By Edel Cronin

Illustration Of Woman Is Meditating In Lotus Position With Stars.jpg


I live day in, day out by mediating. If you don’t know what I am talking about, I probably sound like an alien. I get it. But, I would love to share with you how important and vital it is in life. Of course, there are people who have lived long enough now without it but let me tell you how it can change your life forever. I only started meditating about two years ago and I was really rubbish at it for a while. I kept thinking to myself ‘why am I even bothering, I’m going nowhere’. I didn’t realise that my mind was slowly being trained with me unknown to it. Your mind is totally separate to your brain itself. When you clear your mind, you are opening up a free plain for opportunity to relax, de-stress, and even connect. A lot of people tend to meditate during the day and take a few minutes to do so; me, I do it every night before I go to sleep. I received a little help from my friend Headspace. After that, I decided to delve in and learn more techniques on my own. Here are a few techniques I find very helpful and hopefully you will too:

  1. Sitting down or lying down, before you close your eyes, take into consideration the space around you. No need to move or anything, it’ll just help with navigating.

  2. Close your eyes and scan up or down your entire body. Notice every limb, every piece of you and determine whether that part of you is tired or relaxed. Very slowly now!

  3. Counting your breaths. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this in the beginning until you fall into your normal breathing pattern. When you do, count one for in and two for out. All the way until you get to ten and start over again.

  4. Imagine a warm light shining over you. Same with the scanning - imagine you’re in the sun. This also helps when you are practicing keeping a white light around you.


Spirit Guides

Prepare to be amazed or don’t, I can’t tell you what to do. For years, I’ve been blessed and curious spiritually. Ever since I was little, I was able to connect spiritually somehow but I thought I was just crazy. As I got a little older, I spoke to my mum about it who is the exact same but would play it off like it was nothing to think about. But then, I spoke to my grandmother about it and she, well, she inspired me above all. She related to everything I said. I cannot thank her enough for everything she’s done for me. Lately, I’ve sparked something off and I had to look into it. I’ve been inspired by author and psychic medium Blair Robertson in particular. So I decided I would delve into spirit guides. 

You know that moment when you’re really desperate and you sit alone and ask that someone for guidance and help? Yeah, they are not who you think they are. What I mean by this is, you might be asking the wrong person. This is what I’ve learned anyway. Let me introduce you to your spirit guide. Everyone has a spirit guide. Whether you believe it or not, that is fine too, but I am certain we radiate our own energies with other energies. A great analogy for this is letters. When you get a letter in the post, you tear open the envelope and read the letter that’s inside, then you throw the envelope away. ‘The letter is your soul. Your spirit. The envelope is the container; our bodies are the envelope; our souls are that letter’.

If you happened to ask someone you love who has passed on for guidance, they cannot meet your requirements. You see, they can only send you love and encouragement. When you think of it this way, they weren’t your spirit guide when you knew them before they passed on; it wasn’t their job. But, you have an assigned spirit guide. Sounds crazy, I know. You may not know them, but they know you well enough to guide you when you don’t ask for it and help you when you do. Guides guide. Loved ones love. Think about your spirit guide once in a while, they’ll really appreciate it. Spirit guides are so important when trying to master your connections. Learn to become one with the spirit by developing an awareness about it. Meditation is key to this. 

(If you want to know more about any of the above, I can certainly talk for days about this kind of stuff.) 


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