Just Being Human

By Kim Rolston

I feel like oftentimes, when I write these articles, I may come across as having my shit together, but trust me, I don’t.

In some sense, it may be because I write the articles rather than speaking them which gives me time to go back and analyse what I have been through and what the effects of those things are, and how I should move forward. And in the same way, the biggest reason for it all is that I’m writing them retrospectively. In all honesty, it’s really difficult to live in the moment and also figure out what impact everything around you is having. So yes, now that I have been through a breakup, I know what I should have done while in that process… but I had no clue at the time. Every day, I just go through the motions of what life puts in my path, and I don’t always know how to deal with it, and I don’t always react in the best ways either. And some days I have great days, others are just boring and busy, and some include me watching a sad movie to make myself cry without really thinking about the things I’m sad about, because crying is important. But mostly, I’m just going through the motions.


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