
By Jane McGlinchey

I love busyness, I love leaving the house at 8:45 AM and not crashing back home until 10 at night, a bag full of wet swim gear and half-eaten granola bars. I love doing my groceries at 3 PM on a Monday instead of going to my health psychology class cause I have an art class later and I wanna swim in the sea before the sun sets, so I have to secure the shopping bag now. I spent the hottest days of summer sitting in my back garden under quarantine cause of three separate close contacts in one week, but it was okay because I crocheted a sweater vest for one of my best friends and I felt so productive. Bikini on, Charlie XCX playing on the speaker beside my tapestry as a makeshift picnic blanket. 

I love the social aspect of my hobbies. I love big friend groups, the chat, the parties and the bustle of loud love. I love having friends in lots of hidden corners, bonding with people I may otherwise never speak to because they aren’t on the same course as me or they move in different social groups. I feel special that I get to share space with so many people, be witness to that enigmatic thing that defines a person. Seeing things through different eyes.

Being open to fun new experiences through taking a chance on someone I’ve just met. Partying on a Thursday night when I should be running anovas on SPSS. So yeah, that’s why I love hobbies, all that extra stuff on the side that makes your college experience feel real and full and artistic and grounded.


The reasons why you should try counselling.


Choosing Not To Identify