Ten positive things you can do when you’re feeling down

By Hannah McSharry

As we approach the final few weeks of the semester, feeling down or overwhelmed has become more frequent than ever for many of us. While in these times it feels as though the feeling may never pass, it will, and here are 10 things you can do to help you on your way. 

  1. Take a break from Instagram.

    While Instagram is a wonderful platform for sharing thoughts, information, and creativity, it is not always the healthiest resource for your mind. Stay offline for an hour, a day, or a week, and enjoy not knowing what everyone else is doing for a little while. 

  2. Move your body in any way that you enjoy.

    Walking, running, yoga, stretching, and dancing are great ways of switching off negative thoughts and they promote the production of those feel-good chemicals of serotonin and dopamine. 

  3. Binge-watch your favourite comfort Netflix show or YouTuber.

    Gilmore Girls with a warm cup of tea is an elite combination. 

  4. Take care of your personal space.

    Tidying your bedroom and putting on fresh bedsheets can offer an overwhelming sense of achievement like no other, and that is often exactly what your mind requires on the down days. 

5. Pay someone a compliment.

Not only will it make their day, but it will also help you to recognise what you appreciate as good in others. 

6. Engage in off-screen activities,

Cooking, knitting, reading, or listening to music. Your mind and your eyes deserve the break! 

7. Spend time with a loved one

Whether that is face-to-face or over the phone. It is always a good idea to stay connected with others and it helps us to remind ourselves that we are not alone. 

8. Go outside and soak up the fresh air and sunlight.

This is a lot easier said in done for anyone living in Galway at the moment, but longer nights and brighter days are on the way to put an end to our seasonal depression. Take time to appreciate the nature that surrounds you, and remember how beautiful the world we live in is. 

9. Listen to a podcast, one that makes you laugh!

It’s easy to opt for a self-help or wellness podcast when you’re feeling down in an attempt to ‘heal’ yourself or find guidance, but why not bring some joy into your life, especially in the moments when you need it. ‘I’m Grand Mam’ and ‘Off Menu’ are my recommendations for a good giggle.  

10. Nothing.

Maybe you don’t have the energy to engage in any of these activities, and that is completely okay. Spend time doing absolutely nothing - rest, relax, recharge, and remember that the feeling will pass and better days are on the way. 


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