My Many Personalities

By Kim Rolston

I have written before about my inability to find one particular niche in the fashion world, and now I am back again to talk about how my diverse interests have made me become the kind of person that basically just has a bunch of personalities and behaves unpredictably (I know how very Gemini I am). But don’t let that deter you from reading on, I genuinely think that Gemini’s are a very misunderstood sign. Having multiple interests and different styles doesn’t necessarily make you two faced, it doesn’t mean that there has to be negative connotations associated with having many interests. In my case it just means I have interests that generally wouldn’t be combined within one person. For example, I love going out and staying up all night drinking and dancing, but I also love an early night to wake up and go on an adventure at sunrise. I love being surrounded by people at a festival, constantly meeting new people and talking to strangers, but I also love staying in bed by myself doing absolutely nothing for days.

So, allow me to delve deeper into this. I'm a gym girl, a lazy girl, a hiker, a swimmer, a skater girl, an indie girl, a travel girl, a family oriented girl, a loner, and a best friend. I’m an introvert and an extrovert all in one. I’m the type of girl who says yes to plans in advance and then won’t want to go the day off or vice versa. I want to go on holiday and be a tourist, while simultaneously never wanting to leave the comfort of my own bed. And let me tell you, I wouldn’t have it any other way, because I pretty much have the best of both worlds. I resonate with a multitude of people and socialize with so many diverse groups that wouldn't really ever spend time with one another. I can go out and always find something that I want to do while still maintaining independence.

Don’t get me wrong, I do get anxious going to new places, meeting new people, and trying new things, but those things I generally overthink myself into anxiety more so than anything else and the situations always work out the way they’re supposed to. Sometimes I’ll have a ball and others I won’t enjoy to the same extent, but the experiences are always better than living with the regrets of not going and never knowing.

So, at the end of the day, although it sounds bad to say I have a multitude of personalities, when in reality, they just come from having a variety of interests and it’s one of my favorite traits of mine.


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