20 Things To Do Instead Of Doomscrolling On Your Phone

By Amy Carroll


Lockdown has given us all more time in the day, and less motivation. It is extremely easy to spend all those extra minutes scrolling aimlessly through our feeds, subjecting ourselves to the endless stream of bad news that seems to be plaguing our online world.  It can be extremely disheartening and certainly doesn’t make the lockdowns any easier. Although social media can be a great place to keep in contact with our loved ones, it is important to limit our time scrolling and to spend time giving meaning to our days.

I’ve compiled a list of twenty things you can do to reduce that rising screen time and get some space from those online bad vibes.  

1) Take a walk 

We are spending more time than ever indoors and connecting with nature is one of the best ways to clear your head. Even if only for fifteen minutes a day, try to get out and move your body. You’ll be so glad you did it. 


2) Read a book 

 Reading is an amazing way to spend time with yourself and is brilliant for your brain health. 

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3) Call a loved one 

Call a family member or a friend that you haven’t gotten the opportunity to speak to in a while. I’m sure they will be missing you as much as you miss them. 

4) Yoga 

Yoga is an amazing way to be present and connect with your body. It has so many health benefits, including improving your sleep. 

5) Workout 

 The key to motivating yourself to workout is to not overthink it. You don’t need to follow a difficult thirty-minute workout online. Do whatever feels right, even for ten minutes a day, and it'll all flow from there. Getting in a routine is far more important than pushing yourself too hard on the first try.  

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6) Journal 

What is one good thing that happened today?  What are five things I’m grateful for?  There are so many journal prompts online if you don’t know where to start. 

Our 6 Best Bullet Journal Hacks  — Ohh Deer Blog.jpg

7) Self Care 

This one is key. Try to do a bit of self-care every day. Whether it’s a skincare routine, painting your nails, or making a home-made hair mask, it’s a great way to remind yourself you’re worth taking care of. 

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8) Clean your space 

A cluttered room is a cluttered mind. I am a massive believer that a tidy space makes your head so much clearer. 

9) Clear out your old clothes 

Put some clothes up on Depop or put together a bag for the charity shop.  

10) Meditate 

Many say they don’t have the attention span to meditate, but they don’t realize meditation creates your attention span. Meditating for even five minutes a day can help your focus with college work and can also help to keep you grounded. 

11) Cook/Bake something new 

Working with your hands is a great way to ground yourself and making/baking something new can give you a feeling of accomplishment during those quiet days. 

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12) Write a letter to a loved one 

This is so much more personal than sending a text and it can really make someone's day. You never know who may need it. 

13) Listen to a podcast 

There’s a podcast for everyone, from nature to girl talk to conspiracy theories. Find what suits you. 


14) Take a bath 

Candles. Bubbles.  Chill Playlist. Bliss. 

15) Get creative! 

If you’re anything like me, you may have totally neglected your creative side in your adult life. Now is as good a time as ever to channel your energy into something arty! Upcycling old clothes, painting, sketching, crochet, embroidery and DIY are a few fun ideas. 

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16) Watch a feel-good film 

Get a hot chocolate, put on your favourite pjs, and watch a film that makes you feel like a child again. It is so good for the soul. 

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17) Do something nice for a loved one.  

Clean the house for your parents or send your significant other their favourite meal on Deliveroo. Making someone else smile not only brings them joy but can bring you joy too. 

18) De-clutter your emails 

This is something I definitely put off for a long time, but unsubscribing from your spam email means your phone will be dinging far less and you won’t be so overloaded with irrelevant information every time you look at your screen. 

19) Dance around your room 

Don’t knock it until you try it. Look up 70s hits on Spotify and dance around to Mr. Blue Sky. The chances of you feeling better are almost 100 percent. 

20) Join a society! 

It is never too late to get involved with a society's events. As I sit here writing this column as a member of the style society and magazine committee, I am feeling so far removed from all the negativity of the social media platforms.  There is a society for everyone, and joining one can give some purpose to your free time and bring some passion back into your day-to-day life. I would highly recommend. 


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