Unveiling The Cliffords: Cork's Rising Stars of Indie Rock

Interview by Helena Wrenne

In the heart of Cork's vibrant music scene resides a band that's been making waves, captivating audiences with their raw energy and distinctive sound. We got the chance to sit down with The Cliffords, comprised of Iona, Gavin, Harry, Dan, and Locon, and learn how they have been steadily carving out their niche in the indie rock landscape since their inception. With influences reminiscent of Wolf Alice and New Dad, coupled with their own unique flair, The Cliffords are quickly becoming a name to remember.

The journey of The Cliffords began with a serendipitous meeting between Dan and Gavin during their secondary school years. Bonding over a shared love for music, they embarked on a musical journey that would later blossom into something remarkable. As fate would have it, their paths crossed with the talented Iona, whose lyrical prowess and haunting vocals would come to define the band's signature sound.

With the addition of Harry on guitar, The Cliffords solidified their line-up and took to the stage for their inaugural performance in 2022. Their debut gig, held at the renowned Cypress Avenue, served as a testament to their burgeoning potential. Earning accolades for their electrifying performance, the band quickly gained momentum, landing slots at festivals like the Upstart Festival.

In 2023, The Cliffords welcomed Locon into the group, further enriching their sonic tapestry. Armed with a diverse array of influences and a shared passion for music, the band embarked on a creative journey that would culminate in the release of their highly anticipated debut EP, ‘Strawberry Scented’, released on April 12th. Writing had already begun in 2021 with the conception of ‘Shattered Glass’ and recording began this summer.

At the heart of The Cliffords' music lies Iona's evocative song writing, which delves into themes of introspection, love, and the human experience. Her poignant lyrics, coupled with the band's dynamic instrumentation, create an immersive experience that resonates with audiences on a visceral level.

Drawing inspiration from their surroundings and personal experiences, The Cliffords infuse each track with a sense of authenticity and emotional depth. From the ethereal melodies of ‘Shattered Glass’ to the anthemic energy of ‘Feels Like A Man’, the debut EP showcases the band's versatility and creative range.

Beyond their studio recordings, The Cliffords are renowned for their captivating live performances, which have garnered them a dedicated following across Ireland and abroad. From the bustling streets of Dublin to the cosy venues of Galway and Limerick, the band's infectious energy transcends geographical boundaries, leaving an indelible impression wherever they go. They give a shout out to their recording studio, Brian, Sarah, and Juno the dog.

Their meteoric rise hasn't gone unnoticed, with The Cliffords catching the attention of media outlets like BBC Radio, further solidifying their status as one of Cork's most promising bands. As they continue to chart their course in the ever-evolving landscape of indie rock, The Cliffords remain steadfast in their commitment to pushing boundaries. With a promising future ahead and an unwavering passion for their craft, The Cliffords are poised to leave an indelible mark on the music industry for years to come.


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