MOOT ECO, or the story of a cool brand

By Charlotte Lavin

MOOT (Made Out Of Trash) is a Berlin-based brand which business model is to upcycle discarded materials to create clothes (they use bed linen and wool blankets).


Their goal is to extend the life-cycle of already existing textiles, considered to be trash, by transforming them into high-quality, long-lasting garments. Sustainable fashion, anyone? Not only that, but all the clothes are made in Germany, and travel no more than 800 kilometres, a very short distance compared to the fast fashion brands average of 25,000 kilometres minimum.  MOOT also prides itself for being transparent at every level: under the label ‘Who Made My Clothes’, you can find all the information you need, including the answer to exactly why your garments cost what they do. Those information are freely available on their website. 

“Sustainability isn’t just a nice tagline to add to our brand description. To us, every detail counts.”, says Yana, who has been working with the company for the past six months.


 One of their really cool concept is the ‘Fair fashion Fridays’: if you head over to their Instagram, every Friday in their stories you will discover other like-minded slow fashion brands. “It’s about working with other like-minded organisation, it’s not about profit”, says Yana. She explained to me the social entrepreneurship’s model followed by MOOT: the company aims to start a business for greater social good and not only in the pursuit of profits. “Social entrepreneurs may seek to produce environmentally-friendly products, serve an underserved community, or focus on philanthropic activities.”


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